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Item details for: A11804, 1913/298
Antarctic Expedition.
Contents date range
1913 - 1913
Series number
Click to see which government agency or person created this item.
Control symbol
NAA: A11804, 1913/298
Item ID
Access status
Date of decision
28 Nov 1979
Physical format
PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level)
Item notes

Summary heading

Used in exhibition

Descriptive note

Folio [35] was on display in ‘Traversing Antarctica – the Australian Experience’ from December 2011 to 24 February 2013 at TMAG, NAA, WAMM, 7 December 2013 to 22 June 2014 at SAM and MOTR venues.

A facsimile of Folio [35] was on display in ‘Traversing Antarctica – the Australian Experience’ for all other venues.

Folio [39] was on display in ‘Traversing Antarctica – the Australian Experience’ from 16 March at WAM-Geraldton to 12 August at WAM - Kalgoorlie.

Folio [34] was on display in ‘Traversing Antarctica – the Australian Experience’ from 17 August to 24 November 2013 at WAM-Albany.

Folio [22] was on display in ‘Traversing Antarctica – the Australian Experience’ from 12 April at MOTR Wagga Wagga to 7 September 2014 at Bundaberg.

Folio [43] was on display in ‘Traversing Antarctica – the Australian Experience’ from 5 July to 26 October 2014 at Bundaberg and Gladstone.

Folio [21] was on display in ‘Traversing Antarctica – the Australian Experience’ from 20 September 2014 to 22 March 2015 at Gladstone, Hervey Bay and Grafton.

Folio [42] was on display in ‘Traversing Antarctica – the Australian Experience’ from 6 December 2014 to 22 March 2015 at Hervey Bay and Grafton.

Visibility and availability indicators
9. Published or Exhibited
Alternative series and control symbol
CP78/22, 1913/298
Date registered
12 Sep 1992

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