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Item details for: A1200, L30089
Agriculture - Bulk handling equipment has replaced bags on most Australian wheat farms - Combined tractor-drawn units harvest the grain and load it from a grain-box into waiting trucks through pipes - Screw augers inside the pipes force the wheat up from the boxes and pour it into the truck - It is then transported to bulk handling silos for railing to terminals at shipment ports - This photograph was taken in 1953 during harvesting in the Wimmera wheat belt of north western Victoria, one of the major wheat producing States CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer Neil Murray FORMAT: b&w negative TYPE: cellulose acetate STATUS: preservation material
Contents date range
1959 - 1959
Series number
Click to see which government agency or person created this item.
Control symbol
NAA: A1200, L30089
Item ID
Access status
Date of decision
07 Sep 2004
Physical format
PHOTOGRAPHS (allocated at series level)
Visibility and availability indicators
76. Item charge: Photographic
32. Not to be issued (reference copy available)
Records authority class number
Date registered
14 Jan 1998

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