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Agency details for: CA 985
Agency number
CA 985
Qantas Empire Airways Limited, Head Office
Date range
18 Jan 1934 - 01 Aug 1967
Series recorded by this agency
Organisation controlling
  • 18 Jan 1934 - 30 Jun 1947
  • 30 Jun 1947 - 01 Aug 1967
New South Wales
Agency status
Head Office
Agency note
Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd was founded on 16 November 1920, and began its first regular services on 2 November 1922. On 18 January 1934, Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd, together with Imperial Airways Ltd, formed a third Company, Qantas Empire Airways Ltd (registered in Queensland) with 49% held by each, and 2% by an Australian umpire.

In December 1946, the Qantas Empire Airways Agreement Act 1946 (No. 75 of 1946, assented to on 14 December 1946) enabled Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd to buy out the share of Qantas Empire Airways held by the British Overseas Airways Corporation (the direct successor of Imperial Airways Ltd). This was formally done on 21 March 1947 and on 30 June 1947, the Australian Government bought the share in Qantas Empire Airways held by Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd, with the result that the Government was now the sole shareholder in Qantas Empire Airways Ltd, a limited liability company as it was in 1934 and is today). Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd meanwhile continued as a distinct entity, until an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders voted, on 2 October 1947, to liquidate the company.

On 1 August 1967, Qantas Empire Airways Ltd changed its name to Qantas Airways Ltd. The Head Office of Qantas Empire Airways became the Qantas Airways Limited, Head Office (CA 3338).

Historical agency address

1934-1934: Wool Exchange Building, Eagle Street, Brisbane
1934-1938: 43 Creek St, Brisbane
1938-1957: Shell House, Cnr Margaret & Carrington Sts, Sydney
1957-1967: Qantas House, 70 Hunter St, Sydney

Legislation administered

Queensland, Certificate of Incorporation of Company, No. 10 of 1934
Commonwealth Act No. 75 of 1946, Qantas Empire Airways Agreement Act 1946

Previous agency unregistered

See CO , Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd 1920-1947
British Airlines 1946-1954
Subsequent agency
  • 01 Aug 1967
    CA 3338, Qantas Airways Limited, Head Office
Superior agency
  • 30 Jun 1947 - 01 Aug 1967
    CA 29, Department of Civil Aviation, Central Office
Controlled agency
  • 12 Feb 1946 - 01 Aug 1967
    CA 3632, Qantas Empire Airways Limited, State Office, Western Australia
  • 01 Jan 1947 - 01 Aug 1967
    CA 3186, Qantas Empire Airways Limited, Branch Office, Victoria
  • 01 Jan 1965 - 01 Aug 1967
    CA 5130, Qantas Empire Airways Limited, Branch Office, South Australia
Persons associated with agency
  • 01 Jul 1966 - 01 Aug 1967
    CP 556, Sir Roland WILSON KBE, CBE - Chairman
Date registered
10 Apr 1974

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